See all MLS listings of single family detached houses in Port Moody between $750000 $1000000. You can sort listings by: price (highest to lowest or lowest to highest), date listed (newest to oldest or oldest to newest) and size (largest to smallest or smallest to largest). This website also let’s you search by a neighbourhood or price point. View images, find the address, prices, descriptions and more. To find out more information about the listing you like give me a call at 604-565-7052 or click on “contact about this listing” button.
The LEAST EXPENSIVE detached home with your own yard in Tri-Cities!! Enjoy gardening on this 4500 SQ' land in beautiful Anmore with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and new appliances. Why invest in an apartment when you can own your own land? One of the safest neighborhood and most ideal for a young family. 10 minutes walk to Buntzen lake and many trails. 2 minutes walking distance to public transit. 10 Minutes walk to Pre School, Elementary school, 10 minutes drive to Eagle Mountain Middle School & Aspenwood high school. Enjoy the Peace and tranquility in the nature, yet 7 minutes drive to shopping area in Port Moody and Coquitlam. Live in it for a few years and build later. One of the few properties that accommodate basement if you wish to build. Seller's financing is also available. Easy to show.More details