Houses for sale in Port Moody $1,000,000-$1,250,000
See all MLS listings of single family detached houses in Port Moody between $1000000 $1250000. You can sort listings by: price (highest to lowest or lowest to highest), date listed (newest to oldest or oldest to newest) and size (largest to smallest or smallest to largest). This website also let’s you search by a neighbourhood or price point. View images, find the address, prices, descriptions and more. To find out more information about the listing you like give me a call at 604-565-7052 or click on “contact about this listing” button.
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! A prime investment opportunity featuring two subdivided lots, perfect for developers and contractors. These 4,400 sq ft ready-to-build lots provide the ideal space for constructing two modern single-family homes in a highly desirable neighborhood. Located just minutes from the Evergreen Line SkyTrain, this property offers exceptional connectivity to Vancouver, making it a commuter's dream. Port Moody is renowned for its vibrant community, offering top-tier schools, parks, and recreational facilities, including Rocky Point Park and the Shoreline Trail, which cater to an outdoor-focused lifestyle. Contact your agent for details. LOT A & B to be purchased combined.More details
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! A prime investment opportunity featuring two subdivided lots, perfect for developers and contractors. These 4,400 sq ft ready-to-build lots provide the ideal space for constructing two modern single-family homes in a highly desirable neighborhood. Located just minutes from the Evergreen Line SkyTrain, this property offers exceptional connectivity to Vancouver, making it a commuter's dream. Port Moody is renowned for its vibrant community, offering top-tier schools, parks, and recreational facilities, including Rocky Point Park and the Shoreline Trail, which cater to an outdoor-focused lifestyle. Contact your agent for details. LOT A & B to be purchased combined.More details