How much is my property worth?

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Thinking of selling your house or a condo? Knowing what price to expect in the current market climate is one of the most important questions you, as a seller, can ask. I am here to help you figure out the potential selling price of your property. Fill out the form on the right. Within 48 hours you will receive a detailed email with evaluation of your property, a few comparable properties and a PDF document with the most recent market statistics. This service will be at no cost to you and has no obligations.

How does it work?

After receiving your request I would research MLS for similar recently sold properties as well as for similar active properties. I would also look at the current market climate in your neighbourhood, buyers demand and most recent market trends.

How accurate is the evaluation? 

This evaluation will be 80-90% accurate. As a professional Vancouver real estate agent I have evaluated hundreds of properties in a similar matter. Of course for the final evaluation I would have to see the property in person to give an exact estimate.

Do I have to use Oleg Galyuk to sell my property after the evaluation? 

There are no obligations with this evaluation. You would be wise to at least consider my services.  I never leave any money on the table and always deliver my services exactly as promised.  Just ask any of my past clients.

My property unique, or I am in a unique situation? 

If your property is unique or different (multi-family residence, commercial-residential combined…etc) or if you are in a unique situation (property under a long term lease, pre-foreclosure, you need a quick sale and completion…etc) contact me directly at 604-565-7052 or email: [email protected]

If you know anyone who is thinking of selling their condo or a house please share this website.