Below are all MLS listings of single family detached houses in Vancouver under $1000000. You can sort listings by: price (highest to lowest or lowest to highest), date listed (newest to oldest or oldest to newest) and size (largest to smallest or smallest to largest). This website also let’s you search by a neighbourhood or price point. View images, find the address, prices, descriptions and more. To find out more information about the listing you like give me a call at 604-565-7052 or click on “contact about this listing” button.
Fantastic opportunity to use co-ownership to afford to live in an amazing home in a quiet community minded neighbourhood close to it all. 50% ownership stake for sale in this 3 level 2800 sq home with exclusive rights to the top floor 1098 sq ft 1 bed plus 2 loft beds suite, plus earn 1/2 the rental income from the 3 bed basement with great long term tenants. Sunny private balcony, vaulted ceilings, large walk-in closet, in-suite laundry and mountain views, with shared access to the yard, garden and sheds on this 4500 sq ft lot. A professional and her teen son occupy the main floor and own the other 50%. Ideal for individuals, couples, families with older children, or friends wanting to share.More details